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Sun, Wanning  
Media and the Chinese Diaspora: Community, Communications and Commerce (Routledge Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia) / oleh Wanning Sun 
Ed. 1 
Keterangan publikasi
New York : Routledge, 2006
Deskripsi fisik
226 hlm. : ilus. ; 9.1 x 6.3 x 0.7 inches 
The importance of the Chinese diaspora is widely recognized. Wanning Sun examines the key role of the media in the Chinese diaspora. She focuses especially on the media`s role in communication, in fostering a sense of community, in defining different kinds of `transnational Chineseness` - overseas Chinese communities are often very different from one country to another - and in showing how media communication is linked to commerce, which is often a key activity of the overseas Chinese.
Revealing a great deal about the vibrancy and dynamism of the Chinese-language media, the book considers the Chinese diaspora in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Australia, showing how it plays a crucial role in the changing nature of the Chinese diaspora.
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