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Entertainment-Education and Social Change: History, Research, and Practice (Lea`s Communication Series) / Editor : Arvind Singhal, Michael J. Cody, Everett Rogers, Miguel Sabido 
Keterangan publikasi
Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003
Deskripsi fisik
320 Hlm. : ilus. ; 8.6 x 6.7 x 1.1 inches 
Entertainment-Education and Social Change introduces readers to entertainment-education (E-E) literature from multiple perspectives. This distinctive collection covers the history of entertainment-education, its applications in the United States and throughout the world, the multiple communication theories that bear on E-E, and a range of research methods for studying the effects of E-E interventions. The editors include commentary and insights from prominent E-E theoreticians, practitioners, activists, and researchers, representing a wide range of nationalities and theoretical orientations.
Examples of effective E-E designs and applications, as well as an agenda f or future E-E initiatives and campaigns, make this work a useful volume for scholars, educators, and practitioners in entertainment media studies, behavior change communications, public health, psychology, social work, and other arenas concerned with strategies for social change. It will be an invaluable resource book for members of governmental and non-profit agencies, public health and development professionals, and social activists.
Pengarang tambahan
  1. Singhal, Arvind
  2. Cody, Michael J.
  3. Rogers, Everett
  1. Film
Foto Sampul
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